In many countries, the education systems prepare folks to be job seekers. Truthfully, these systems succeed at that, preparing learners to endlessly submit job applications, walk to countless job interviews and unusually, once in a lifetime, get the dream job. Some unlucky ones end up fulfilling sexual desires of their "soon-to-be" bosses. All for the betterment of their livelihoods. As the "working class" becomes saturated with employees of every kind, many of these perform repetitive tasks as per their job descriptions to satisfy their KPIs . Soon enough, these jobs, which were gotten with the sole goal of earning an income make a multitude of employees soulless warm bloodied animals without further sense of direction apart from hopes for promotion to earn a higher salary. The poor products of the education systems, usually the ones that have easily given up on looking for jobs and torment themselves into using their skills, understand that the core components o...