Whoever knows that humans are part of nature understands that there are biological attributes to either sexes i.e. male and female. Naturally, males provide for their female counterparts. Females on the other hand, despite perceived to be on the receiving side are comforters and tenderer. As natural selection happens, females choose their mating partner based on various attributes but importantly, the ability to provide.
Following the basics, a man will feel better about himself and more fulfilled when he is able to provide for his woman. Any short of this will lead to a decline in the self confidence of the fellow.
During times of financial "ok-ness" / stability, the man will be able to provide accordingly and in a satisfactory manner to his partner. Such moments make a relationship fulfilling and rewarding to both parties. The ability to meet the demands of a wife is something that fulfils the ego of every man and in a similar fashion, this reassures the woman that they made a good choice for a partner.
Enter doom, when financial instability creeps in, sacrifices and excuses have to be made endlessly to stick to the bare minimum of the basics. Irrespective of how a woman feels about her man, the man will most likely have a deflated ego. Such moments usually see the woman seek reassurance from the man that he is capable of providing. This pressure builds up on the man as he seeks to reaffirm his position, whether right or wrong, the man may even consider his partner as more demanding. Periods like these cause stress on both parties and guess what happens (not sure about women for this article), the man usually tends to receive less sex from his partner. This decline in sexual activity yields more improper thoughts and solutions in the man' head, one of these being, "to get a less demanding partner".
Just like that, the man will cross to the other side of the line, get a "less demanding partner" to enable him achieve the natural obligation of every male animal, "to spread seed".
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